Thursday, April 2, 2015

How to Grow Your Business with Link Parties

Link parties are a brilliant way to grow your online business while discovering other blogs and making new friends at the same time! If you have just launched your business and want to make your presence felt on the internet, you need to get people to come to your site. Driving traffic to your site is made easier if you get your link on any of the established websites. Participating in link parties and initiating them is a sure-fire way to get more people aware of your business. Even if you are new and initiate a link party, there will still be other new business websites or blogs that would benefit from that and give you the benefit of linking to their blog too. No matter what the number of their readers is, it will be a significant leap for your numbers and traffic!

Link parties can help you grow your business by giving your online business exposure on the platform of other websites and blogs, driving their readership your way. Whether you are joining a link party or creating one, both the host and the participant websites or blogs benefit from the party. The readership you already have is exposed to the other blogs and websites that link to you and vice versa. Link parties are a mutually beneficial proposition for the host and the participant.

What are link parties?

Link parties are a post on a blog that has a theme. It is then sent out as an invitation to other sites and blogs to take part in the party by linking their posts that are centered on the theme. It has a widget that allows other blogs to link their latest posts to the blog that is hosting the link party.

How do you find link parties?

You can track link parties on blogs or just do a Google search for link parties centered around the area of your expertise or interest. Link parties have deadlines and some have specific days for posting your link to the party. Keep track of all these either by bookmarking them or by creating an excel sheet with the name of party, URL, day of posting or deadline.

How does it help grow your business?

Most link parties have a roundup of all the entries, which makes it easy to have all links on one page for the readers to go through. Some link parties have featured posts that select the best of the links that have been entered. If yours get featured, then it will surely drive more traffic to your site.
Your business will get even more traffic from link parties when you are featured the social media platforms of the sites where the link parties were hosted. You would also get more traffic when readers pin your images on their Pinterest boards or share it on their social media links. Apart from driving traffic to your business and thereby helping it to grow, link parties also help you develop friendships with others on the Internet based on the same interests.

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